
Table of Contents



Databases are containers for data. Access can be granted on a per-database basis.


Folders are logical groups for forms. Access can be granted on a per-folder basis.


Forms define the structure of the data captured.


Record represent an entry in a form. Whenever a user fills a form and submits it, a new record is created.


forms are composed of multiple fields. When designing a form, the user can add as many fields as needed to collect the appropriate data.

Text Field

Records text as single-line input

Multiline Text Field

Records multi-line text

Single Choice Field

Allows the user to choose between a predefined set of choices

Multiple Choice Field

Allows the user to choose multiple options within a predefined set of choices

Date Field

Allows the user to select a date 2021-12-31

Month Field

Allows the user to select a month 2021-12

Week Field

Allows the user to select a week 2021-W52

Reference Field

Allows the user to select a record from another forms

Sub Form Field

Sub Forms are regular forms, but they are attached to a “parent” record. For example, one might define a form called Case, and add a Sub Form field Follow-Ups. The user could add Follow-Ups to a single Case record.

Field Properties

Required Fields

Fields marked as required will require the user to enter a value when creating a record. If the user submits a record without that field filled in, the record will be denied.


When one or multiple fields are marked as key fields, that means that the value of those key fields MUST be unique within all records of that form. Also, the record values for that field MUST be supplied by the user (the key fields are automatically required as well)



For example, a user might define a form called Monthly Reports. The user would add a Reporting Month field (of type Month).

Month (key) Amount
2020-01 100$

If the Reporting Month field is marked as a key field, then the users will not be able to add a record twice with the same month.

Month (key) Amount  
2020-01 100$  
2020-01 120$ This record would not be allowed because January appears twice!
2020-02 150$ This record would be allowed!

The key property can be enabled on multiple fields in a form. In such case, any combination of the fields that are marked as key cannot appear twice.

Month (key) Project (key) Amount  
2020-01 Project A 100$  
2020-01 Project A 120$ This record would not be allowed
2020-01 Project B 110$ This record would be allowed
2020-02 Project A 180$ This record would be allowed